20 Interesting Things About the Holy Spirit
20 interesting things the Bible teaches about the Holy Spirit

Though the Spirit’s presence and role can be a subject of controversy, the Bible speaks very clearly about the third person of the Godhead. Here are 20 interesting things the Bible teaches about the Holy Spirit.
1. He can be resisted (Acts 7:51; 1 Thess. 5:19)
2. He can be grieved (Eph. 4:30)
3. The Spirit dwells in God’s people (Rom. 8:9)
4. He is a down payment on what is to come for Christians (2 Cor. 1:22,5:5)
5. The Spirit helps Christians pray (Rom. 8:26-27)
6. He is just as much God as the Father and the Son (Matt. 28:19; Acts 5:3-4)
SEE ALSO: 4 Things the Holy Spirit is Doing Today
7. The Spirit dwells in the church (1 Cor. 3:16)
8. He strengthens Christians inwardly (Eph. 3:16)
9. The Holy Spirit leads the children of God (Rom. 8:14)
10. His fruit (evidence) can be seen in the lives of Christians (Gal. 5:22-23)
11. Christians are supposed to walk in harmony with the Spirit (Gal. 5:25)
12. The Holy Spirit carried men along as they wrote prophecy (2 Tim. 3:16-17; 2 Pet. 1:20-21)
13. The Spirit invites people to come to Jesus (Rev. 22:17)
14. He can be insulted (Heb. 10:29)
15. The Holy Spirit sets God’s people apart (1 Pet. 1:2)
16. The Spirit intercedes for Christians (Rom. 8:26)
17. He guided the apostles into all truth (John 16:13)
18. The Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment (John 16:7-11)
19. He seals Christians for the day of redemption (2 Cor. 1:22; Eph. 4:30)
20. The Spirit’s presence is a display of God’s love (Rom. 5:5)
Is there a biblical topic you would like to be added to the “interesting things” series? If you have an idea, let us know below!
About Last things. Or Eschatology. Specifically Premillenialism