First Century Faith Today is now Concentrated Faith.
If you look up “concentrated” in the dictionary, you’ll see a couple of definitions.
The first is: “wholly directed to one thing; intense.” Christians need a devotion that is wholly directed to Jesus and intense. A concentrated faith is a faith that refuses to compromise or be anything other than “all-in.”
The second definition is: “(of a substance or solution) present in a high proportion relative to other substances; having had water or other diluting agent removed or reduced.” Christians need to have an undiluted faith. A concentrated faith isn’t watered down by worldliness, false doctrines, or cultural conceptions of Christ.
While I still believe in the need for the faith once for all delivered to the saints to be applied in a modern context, this name change reflects a new focus for the content you’ll find here.
It’s clearer now than it ever has been that Christians need a concentrated faith. Distractions intrude into our lives like never before. God’s people need to concentrate their energy, focus, time, and resources on the One who deserves our ultimate allegiance.
Join me on Concentrated Faith for encouraging content that helps Christians have an undiluted devotion to our Lord.
Thanks for sending me this. I’ve been wanting something to help in strengthening my spiritual health.