If you look up “concentrated” in the dictionary, you’ll see a couple of definitions.

The first is: “wholly directed to one thing; intense.” Christians need a devotion that is wholly directed to Jesus and intense. A concentrated faith is a faith that refuses to compromise or be anything other than “all-in.”

The second definition is: “(of a substance or solution) present in a high proportion relative to other substances; having had water or other diluting agent removed or reduced.” Christians need to have an undiluted faith. A concentrated faith isn’t watered down by worldliness, false doctrines, or cultural conceptions of Christ.

It’s clearer now than ever that Christians need a concentrated faith. Distractions intrude into our lives like never before. God’s people need to concentrate their energy, focus, time, and resources on the One who deserves our ultimate allegiance.

Join me on Concentrated Faith for encouragement to live out an intense faith wholly directed to Jesus.

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A bit about me

Hi! My name is Forest Antemesaris. I didn’t grow up in a Christian household but was baptized into Christ going into my senior year of high school.

I began identifying as an atheist in middle school and became pretty adamant about God’s nonexistence in high school. All that changed when I met the woman who would later become my wife.

She invited me to the local church of Christ she had attended since childhood. After months of visiting the church with her, I sat down to study with one of the congregation’s deacons. We studied together once a week for a little over a year.

We talked about evolution, arguments for the existence of God, and why the Bible is more than just another book. We also went over my objections to Christianity and the existence of God.

Over time I became convinced not only that God existed, but that the Bible is His Word and Jesus is His Son. I became convicted of my sin and on July 7, 2013, I publicly confessed Jesus as the Son of God and was baptized for the forgiveness of my sins. And I haven’t looked back.

After high school, I went to the Florida School of Preaching, Freed-Hardeman University (B.S. Biblical Studies), and then Liberty University (M.A. Christian Apologetics).

I have the privilege of preaching at the same congregation that introduced me to the Lord and have been working with the great people at the Orange Street church of Christ in Auburndale, FL since 2019.

I am not perfect. But I know God isn’t done with me yet. I pray that I can have a concentrated faith in a world full of distractions and that He can use me to help others do the same.

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Content encouraging an undiluted devotion to Christ


Forest is a graduate of the Florida School of Preaching, Freed-Hardeman University (B.S. Biblical Studies), and Liberty University (M.A. Christian Apologetics). Forest preaches at the Orange Street church of Christ in Auburndale, FL.